About Tommy

About The Host

Tommy Mello

Like many other business owners out there, Tommy didn’t grow up with a silver spoon.
He knows what it means to work your ass off to get what you want.

Tommy ventured into different jobs when he was a kid from bussing tables and being a lifeguard, to trying to flip cars, until he finally started a garage door business. Growing up hearing his parents talking through bill issues is what motivated him to remove money out of the equation, so he could spend quality time with friends and family without having to worry about it.

It took him hard work to build a $100M business with over 400 employees. And being through all that is what gave Tommy the motivation to help other business owners succeed just like he did.



Runs A1 Garage Doors, a company that is about to cross the $100M mark in revenue with over 400 employees in 18 states.
Published on top publications like Forbes, The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and Inc. Magazine.
Host of the acclaimed Home Service Expert podcast, where world-class experts like Michael Gerber, Ken Goodrich, and Jay Abraham were featured in. Author of the book Home Service Millionaire, #1 Best-Seller on Amazon in 7 different categories
Named top entrepreneur in Arizona under the age of 35.



In this podcast, Tommy will interview the leaders who are driving the growth at A1, showing its recruiting, training, systematizing, marketing, and building the path to a billion-dollar company. Nothing is held back, not even the failures. So get some popcorn, a notepad and a pen, and enjoy!